Contact Jennie Dunlop

One of New Zealand's best know spatial designers, Jennie Dunlop has been operating as a professional interior and spatial designer since 1985.

Do you have a project in mind or would like to make an enquiry? Jennie would love to hear from you! Simply use the form below to email an enquiry or give Jennie a call. Dunlop Design will get back to you very soon!

    Direct contact

    +64 21 986 728

    PO Box 91255 Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142,

    New Zealand


    See the FAQ page for all your spatial design questions, or email Jennie Dunlop today. Dunlop Design is a member of the Designers Institute of New Zealand.

    Jennie Dunlop | Spatial Designer Auckland | Dunlop Design | Headshot Photography Good CX
    Trends Ideas Awards | Jennie Dunlop | Contact Dunlop Design